The Fight of Your Life

Faithful & True

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No Matter how many times you have lost the battle, YOU CAN STILL WIN THE WAR! There’s a war going on for the souls of men. It’s reached epic levels and is threatening the very fabric of generations – grandfathers, dads, sons and grandsons.

In The Fight of Your Life, Dr. Mark Laaser and Dr. Tim Clinton offer weapons that will help you overcome sexual addiction, resist the danger of pornography, enjoy healthy sexuality, and save your marriages, relationships, and families from the enemy’s assault.

To win the war, you must fight the battles. Don’t give up. Don’t lose hope. And don’t think for a moment that you have disqualified yourself from the fight. You have not failed too many times – you can still win!

Author: Mark Laaser & Tim Clinton
Format: paperback
Publisher: Destiny Image Publishers
Published Date: 6/8/2015 12:00:00 AM
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